Rainy Day

Rainy Day

(February, 2014)

Healthy Bulgarians

The rich history of yogurt in Bulgaria lends pride to these healthy people. Bulgaria’s long and affectionate relationship with yogurt dates back to the Thracians, ancient inhabitants of the Bulgarian lands, when stock-breeders placed sheep’s milk in lambskin bags around their waists, and fermented yogurt using their own body heat. Being credited as the inventor is not Bulgaria’s only source of yogurt pride; it also produces the healthiest yogurt in Europe, thanks to unique bacteria native to the country.

In the early 1900s, the Bulgarian scientist, Dr. Stamen Grigorov, found the specific Lactobacillus bacteria responsible for Bulgarian yogurt fermentation. Grigorov went on to identify two more bacteria: Streptobacillus and Streptoccus thermophilus, which coexisted with Lactobacillus in perfect symbiosis. He also found that these two bacteria are not part of human intestinal micro-flora, but are very beneficial when introduced to it.

Interested in Dr. Grigorov’s discoveries, the Nobel prize-winning, Russian scientist, Ilya Mechnikov, noted that more people lived to the age of 100 in Bulgaria than in any of the 36 other countries he studied. He directly linked this to Bulgaria’s consumption of yogurt. According to Metchnikoff, aging is promoted by putrefactive microbes in the large bowel. He knew that milk fermented with lactic acid bacteria inhibits the growth of toxic bacteria, because of the low pH produced from lactose fermentation. Metchnikoff proposed that fermented milk would “seed” the intestine with lactic acid bacteria, decrease intestinal pH, and suppress growth of toxic bacteria. Dr. Metchnikoff named the primary yogurt microorganism Lactobacillus bulgaricus after the Bulgarians. In the early 1900s, Mechnikov worked to popularize yogurt as a foodstuff throughout Europe [31].

Industrialization of yogurt began in 1919 when Isaac Carasso started a small yogurt business in Barcelona, and brought the business to America during the Nazi reign. His product was similar to Trimona Yogurt, but consumers were not ready for it [55]. Now there are a growing number of health conscious consumers attracted to it.

In Bulgaria, yogurt is called sour milk, and has a long and storied history that is said to date back at least 4000 years. A mildly sour-tasting yogurt, kiselo mlyako, is their invention and heritage, and is considered the best and healthiest of all dairy products currently available to consumers. This is the foundation for Trimona Yogurt. Bulgarians consume close to 400,000 tons each year, and consider their yogurt the best. None of the yogurts from a dozen countries outside the Balkans tastes anything like the Bulgarian variety.

For The Children

Children are always the most vulnerable. Toxins and nutritional deficits inherent in industrial farming increase the risk of learning deficits, autism and cancer [14]. Children should be eating only organic dairy and butter, since most toxins are concentrated in animal fat—up to hundreds of times more than in plant sources. There is a premium to buying high quality organic dairy, but it’s worth it for the children’s sake, and to support the local economy. Without government oversight, it falls upon individuals and families to be proactive for children’s health. People vote with their dollars.

Organic food stands out nutritionally as well. Full-fat organic dairy contains omega-3 fats that build a child’s cognitive, motor and visual development.* In its ideal state, nearly half the brain is composed of omega-3 fatty acids, found abundantly in fatty fish and organic animal products. Fetal and infant cognitive, visual and motor skills depend critically on these essential fatty acids from the diet and breast milk [18, 20, 22, 50].* Omega-3s also reduce irritation and anger [33], and help relieve eczema [25], due to their powerful anti-inflammatory effects.* Vegetarian omega-3 alternatives (e.g., flax, walnuts, hemp) are healthy, but converted inefficiently to brain and nerve fats [48].

The increasing number of obese children throughout the US has led to a critical public health threat. Obesity has nearly tripled for children and adolescents since the 1970s. Approximately nine million children over age six are obese [21]. Nutritious foods like Trimona Yogurt could make a difference in the health and weight of these kids. A full fat, organic, probiotic dairy product like Trimona Yogurt could help reduce food cravings and manage weight, with its low glycemic index and abundance of protein, calcium, omega-3 and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA)  [7, 9].* Furthermore, the extra antioxidants (vitamin E, beta-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin) in grass-fed dairy help protect the body against the ravages of obesity and other metabolic disorders [16].*

 Amazing Graze

What cows are fed makes a big difference in milk quality. During warmer months, when cows are free to graze, the good fats in milk get even better. For example, CLA is 60% higher in milk from grazing cows. Women who eat organic dairy have 50% more CLA in their breast milk than those who don’t [42]. CLA is a healthy fat that helps reduce body fat and maintain muscle mass.* CLA is popular as a weight loss supplement. However, the organic, natural version is superior to synthetic supplements.

Milk from grazing cows is also higher in omega 3 fatty acids, natural vitamin E, beta carotene, lutein and zeaxanthine [6]. Full fat dairy is a great way to meet the daily needs of these antioxidants. Pasture-fed cow milk also has lower levels of inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids, compared to conventionally-fed cows. Good fats, vitamins and antioxidants in milk support health in numerous ways.* Letting cows graze naturally produces a profound difference in composition from conventional milk [57]. And, customers say it tastes better [6]. Grazing is also associated with a significant reduction in fossil fuel consumption, since grain production and chemical spraying is energy intensive.

 Let Them Eat Fat                             

The notion that all fats are bad is mistaken. Indeed, some fats can be very beneficial. The key is whether they are organic or not. Fat from conventional animals are loaded with pesticides, synthetic hormones, antibiotics, heavy metals, and inflammatory omega-6 fats. Cows on mismanaged farms, subjected to toxic chemicals, eating unnatural food, and being kept alive with antibiotics, produce very toxic fats. In contrast, fat from organic cows is largely toxin-free, and replete with healthy fats to support health.*

All animal fats contain cholesterol, but cholesterol is not the problem. The real problem in the current epidemic of cardiovascular disease is cholesterol rancidity. Oxidative free radicals arise from diets deficient in vitamins, minerals, essential oils and antioxidants. Rather, high-glycemic, processed food is behind the current epidemic of chronic, debilitative disease, not cholesterol or organic fat [9]. Giving up good fat leads to a significant loss of key nutrients from the diet.

Some of the fat in whole milk is saturated. However, organic saturated fat is not the culprit, and is actually needed for the body to work properly. The Mediterranean diet is abundant in saturated fat, yet linked to heart health. Fat is what provides much of the flavor in food. Fat intake actually stimulates fat burning, and promotes satiety for longer periods, which can help with weight loss. Infertility may stem from diets too low in saturated fat. Pregnant mothers – and those who wish to be – should consider eating lots of full-fat organic yogurt. Saturated fat from regular dairy may be loaded with toxins, and lacks fat-soluble nutrients. Think of organic fat as a treasure chest full of healthy nutrients, especially for young children.

 Weight Loss Superfood

Organic dairy products can be an important part of a weight loss program. It sounds counterintuitive, but full fat dairy may be even more supportive of a weight loss regimen. Numerous studies support low carbohydrate, high fat diets for weight loss [5, 13, 52]. Carbohydrate restriction shifts the body towards fat burning, which can lead to appetite reduction, weight loss, and improvements in cardiovascular health. High protein and fat compensate for carb restriction, to promote satiety and reduce food cravings [52].*

High protein diets have been criticized for their potential harmful bone effects. Yet, dairy protein promotes bone health. A diet high in protein and calcium has been shown to reduce b one loss during weight loss compared to a conventional high-carbohydrate diet [49]. Vitamin D further enhances calcium uptake from foods and prevents against inflammation and infection [15, 45].. 

Dairy calcium, CLA and omega-3 fatty acids [34] are also linked to weight control.* Weight or fat loss success may hinge on the level of milk quality [27]. Obviously, not all milk products are the same. Trimona Yogurt is low in carbohydrates and toxins that promote inflammation and body fat.* Anything that tastes so good should also be good for you. That’s the promise of organic dairy, especially the full fat version.

Thank you, Bulgaria

Yogurt is tied to longevity, and Bulgaria – a country with more people aged 100 years and older – is a major consumer. Bulgarian yogurt is one of the best probiotics out there.

Trimona Yogurt is Bulgaria’s finest. It offers an organic, full-fat yogurt full of good bacteria, protein, calcium, but low in sugar, to help support healthy metabolism and healthy weight.* No other yogurt can claim being organic, unstrained, low in lactose, and derived from whole milk from three breeds of grass-fed cows. Eating grass makes whole-fat milk highly nutritious. Most livestock in the US are fed grain and corn, which provide the wrong fats. In contrast, whole, grass-fed milk provides higher levels of several important fats and nutrients.*

Trimona Yogurt contains active bacterial cultures to promote biodiversity in the gut.* Beneficial bacteria are replenished and maintained by eating fermented, probiotic foods like Trimona Yogurt. Live, active cultures can colonize the gut to help control harmful germs, improve digestive health, increase absorption of nutrients, and bolster immunity.* In Trimona Yogurt, unique live cultures are added to milk after pasteurization, thereby insuring that they are beneficial [56].

People love organic yogurt for its rich, creamy taste and health benefits. Good yogurt is also tart, which indicates that most of the lactose is consumed. This prevents other bacteria from growing, so as not to offset the flavor or spoil the milk. All of the ingredients used to make Trimona Yogurt are certified to assure adherence to strict organic standards, which prohibit the use of antibiotics, synthetic growth hormones, toxic pesticides and fertilizers. Organic foods also support the environment. Choosing organic contributes to a cleaner, safer earth and a healthier people; especially our children. Choosing Trimona Yogurt means knowing where your food comes from.


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11 thoughts on “Health Benefits of Bulgarian Yogurt

  1. Pingback: Health Benefits of Bulgarian Yogurt | The Science of Nutrition

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  3. Reblogged this on Dumbbell Diaries and commented:
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